Global Kvant Services GmbH

Company NameGlobal Kvant Services GmbH
AddressTheodor-Heuss-Allee 112
Frankfurt am Main, Hessen 60486
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Country Infrastructure
  • Kazakhstan
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • Russia
City InfrastructureBishkek, Almaty

  • Data
  • Wave Lenght
  • Ethernet
  • Internet
  • Consulting
Business Description

Global Kvant Services GmbH is a leading worldwide Operator, with unlimited connectivity resources. We provide efficient and cost effective network services for our Customers. Our solutions give Customers rapid access to global networks. We guarantee steady and high quality connectivity services with all the necessary security commitments to our Customers. We are the largest supplier of connectivity services for the biggest national Operators of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.

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